Also, by introducing new accessories and lighting to their room, it can help to change the look of a teen's room dramatically

Also, by introducing new accessories and lighting to their room, it can help to change the look of a teen's room dramatically.


If you want to make a teen's room look a little funkier, then pick up some fringe or beading from a clearance table at the local craft store.  You can then glue this around the bottom edge of the lampshade and the hems of curtains to provide a new look.  You could even glue it around the edges of shelves.


Why not keep those free CD's that such people as AOL put in to magazines etc., and turn them over on to the reverse side and glue them to the frame of a mirror or to cover a closet door.  Another great way is to glue them in an overlapping fashion and use them as a faux frame for your teen's posters.


So, as you can see, there are many ways in which a teen's bedroom can be redecorated and will not end up costing the parents an arm or a leg.





So if you love decorating, and want to challenge yourself, then the best way to do this is by doing it on a budget.  There is nothing quite like batting against your impulses in order to purchase everything you need so that you stay within your budget.


However, saying that, decorating on a budget can be fun and if you learn to relax and keep away from the more expensive items, you should find it easy to do.


One of the biggest challenges faced by anyone when decorating on a budget is to stay within their budget constraints.  So before you start the work, make a plan and stick to that plan, and this will help you with staying on budget.


But should you happen to spend more than you anticipated on one particular item, then you should remove something else from your list.  This will then help to get you back on track where your budget is concerned.


Kind regards,


Grid Marketing













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